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39BlueLake2 4 months ago
Kids these days will never know the struggle of playing a console game at a friend's house or seeing it online/on TV, then getting "the same" game for the GBA or DS only to find out it's a completely different game on portable. It's wild that cell phones and the 7-year-old Nintendo Switch can run the same games as a PS5 with just lowered graphics and some limited functionality when we used to lose an entire dimension in our mobile ports.

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4 months ago
@umer936 I think I played the demo too lol
4 months ago
forgot about this. that's a really good example. I do remember playing the demo (over and over) for that game on 3DS but lol there's a lot of difference
4 months ago
oh lol ive seen that video

ahh. see i never really had many non-Nintendo games I think.
(Didn't have many games in general - hence the going on the internet / DSiCommunity so much LOL)
I think the only one that may have had this issue would have been Transformers?
Other than that I had like Mario Kart, Nintendogs, etc lol
39BlueLake2 4 months ago
I never played this game but this comparison of the 2012 Spiderman game on DS, 3DS, PS Vita, and PS3/360/PC is a pretty good representation of the rift. The 3DS was able to have a pretty stripped down port of the console version but a port nonetheless. The DS version was a completely unique sidescroller and an entirely different game, and I'm surprised they even justified spending resources on it. The 3DS's power was pretty close to a Wii's so I think that's when we started to see mobile ports start to resemble console versions more closely.
4 months ago
@umer936 DSi had a lot, but not so much the 3ds.

Thing was the 3DS actually had hardware designed for 3d (who would have guessed lol) even if it was very low spec. The DSi's GPU was still largely designed for 2D operations, which meant pretty much all the 3D on that system was a custom software solution.
4 months ago
I didn't know about that lol but I only ever had a DSi and 3DS.
22TulipsOfLove 4 months ago
I remember expecting gamecube quality on my GBA games as a little kid. I was always so annoyed when I'd only get top down instead of 3D
4 months ago
Man, that got me once lol.