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8DraconidJoashu 2 years ago
Do you ever get the feeling that everything that you do is completely meaningless, and that everything (and everyone) that you care about is going to fall apart, no matter how much you pray that it doesn’t turn out that way?

That’s kinda where I’m at RN.

(I keep trying to distract myself from my own uselessness, but it doesn’t seem to be working very well.)

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8DraconidJoashu 2 years ago
@TulipsOfLove Yeah, I suppose that makes sense.
(Maybe a therapist could help cdog with his depression, IDK.)
22TulipsOfLove 2 years ago
@DraconidJoashu I tried helping her too. Got nowhere. Not everyone can be helped by average people... Some need therapists that are able to listen to them while helping them come to their own conclusion in a safe and healthy manner.
8DraconidJoashu 2 years ago
@TulipsOfLove Well, thinking back, I can recall a number of times (particularly after those long absences of mine) that they seemed really happy to see me, so I guess that’s kinda the same thing.

Of course, when someone is depressed, and I am unable to make them feel any better, that’s pretty disappointing.

(Remember Rose? I spent hours talking to her to try to make her feel better, but IDK if it helped her at all…)
22TulipsOfLove 2 years ago
I thank you help them, but maybe they don't show it?
8DraconidJoashu 2 years ago
@.:A-MAN:. Yeah, I just get a little down when I put so much time and effort into something (the best example of this would probably be my Pokémon tie ring system), without ever getting the feeling that what I’m working on is ever actually going to be used by anyone.

(It’s like taking the time to write a book that nobody will actually read.)

@TulipsOfLove And yeah, IK that my friends aren’t “pretending” to care about me (that was my depression talking), but I do sincerely wonder if I would be able to help them when they are feeling depressed, like how they helped me when I was.
(Certainly this situation with @cdog3789 has me questioning that.)
22TulipsOfLove 2 years ago
@DraconidJoashu they like video games over there and i am sure a lot like anime.
22TulipsOfLove 2 years ago
@.:A-MAN:. That is very good advice.
2 years ago
Everything you do is meaningful, even if only to you and that's ok. Worry less about what others think of you.
8DraconidJoashu 2 years ago
@TulipsOfLove Hey, if they have human beings who are willing to pretend to care about a lonely, obnoxious, obsessive compulsive, perverted, ignorant, useless web like myself, then I’m game.
(Then again, they can’t bring Mom back from the dead, so IDK if even that’d work, TBH.)
22TulipsOfLove 2 years ago
@DraconidJoashu oh .... Don't feel to bad. You'll make new friends.

There are a lot of web forums online. Have you considered joining one? You'll meet new friends in places like that
8DraconidJoashu 2 years ago
@TulipsOfLove Thanks, I most certainly hope that you’re right.

At least IK where I can find most of my old friends from Paint (most of whom are just on Discord now), even though I can’t help but miss them when we haven’t spoken in a long time.

(And me being more active on Paint and on here than I am on Discord makes that happen more often, unfortunately.)
22TulipsOfLove 2 years ago
I used to think similarly to this. I realized that in order to have a happier and healthier mind was to accept change and try my best to deal with it when it happens. I have lost everyone I once thought of as my friends.

You'll get through this, I believe in you.