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44GuitarBoy 2 years ago
I am convinced that people in this country are miserable.

Not because they're poor or hungry or homeless. But because things don't go their way.

People swarm to negative changes like flies and immediately blame the president or congress or some local politician. Like Dollar Tree raising its prices to $1.25. They've literally been charging ONE DOLLAR for DECADES. At some point inflation has to catch up. There are no nickel and dime stores anymore, but are people blaming a president for that???

These people are just so miserable. The second something changes in a way that impacts them/their life negatively, they blame the political powers in charge. But realistically, ANY CEO/business owner can ARBITRARILY raise prices on their goods and services at any time, for no good reason. They don't need to explain price changes to us. It's literally none of our business.

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2 years ago
Yeah man I agree, people are getting way to angry over less sexy M&Ms
2 years ago
People like a scapegoat.

(Also people don't realize that the effects a US president has usually show results 1-2 terms later which certainly doesn't help with the finger pointing)