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Glitches [UPDATED]

By SLEDGE on April 5, 2013
Now that a lot of users are on, a TON of glitches we didn't know about before are showing up. Things like email confirmation, avatars, etc...

Anyway, please comment on this article any glitches you have seen so we can fix them. Before you do though, look down and make sure nobody else has already posted it.

Skittles is working on QN as we speak, and should be open soon.

I am working on a developer-only section of that will allow users to submit apps and themes easily and improve the site.

Apps won't come out for a while, LM101 is being a slacker(and he is designing that section).

We are having all-around email issues for reasons I have yet to look into. I'll post a comment or edit this article or something when I've made progress on that, but right now I have no idea how long it'll take. Could just be an easy fix.

I think that's everything, See you 'round the Cube!

PS: Send a PM to TheCube for a little easter egg

EDIT: I have solved the email sending problem. You should now receive mail to, and then be able to reply. Comment if it doesn't work.

Still figuring out the confirmation problem; I'll keep you posted.

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17wellsandlava 11 years ago
17wellsandlava 11 years ago
17wellsandlava 11 years ago
I can blank post almost anywhere!
8dan07171260 11 years ago
On the dark theme you can't see text on news, and on a status if someone does @Username, you can't see it.
6Rango 11 years ago
blog delete not working
6connecting 11 years ago
Glitch in forums!
I put a topic in category apple and it says no post, but when you click on it, the post is in the apple category.

6Rango 11 years ago
Can't update bio and signiture!
1lilwayne1556 11 years ago
11 years ago
Can't see things in news using the dark theme
6connecting 11 years ago
When I try to edit a theme
6MrNorris1234 11 years ago
When I register for a website, it says Not a valid email.
2jsa005 11 years ago
Most email providers block HTML messages, so you shouldn't use a POST form to activate accounts.
6Rango 11 years ago
wrong smilie
6Rango 11 years ago
in status it repeats my message
6connecting 11 years ago

When I click update avatar

16Akise 11 years ago
Forums won't let me reply, it just keeps as "Your reply:" [that's why everyone is posting the default message]
16Akise 11 years ago
Hello. Now that you edited this article, and fixed email, found a problem. I sent myself an email at my gmail address, it arrived, but then I replied back and it didn't show on my email inbox :l
16Akise 11 years ago
Chrome theme is indeed glitchy.

And on Klub theme I don't see the bar background [PC, Chrome]
8dan07171260 11 years ago
Chrome theme is all glitchy!
34kenw2 11 years ago
The dark theme is kinda hard to read. Plus, can you make the site's font size bigger?
34kenw2 11 years ago