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*sigh* I guess I should fill this out.

Anyways, I'm a 15 year old, super-lazy kid. (1997 FTW!)

Oh, and yes, Umer is, in fact, my real name.

So, on this site, I'm a moderator (notice the green star). So, if you ever think someone's breaking the rules or is just being mean, send me a PM (personal message). You can also send me messages about ANYTHING. I'm a pretty cool guy (if I do say so myself) and I'm a good listener. If you're willing to share any problems or just wanna talk, my inbox is a few clicks away.
Speaking of help, I'm also the dude that writes the "Help Articles" for the site (notice the HELP icon in the top right). I probably should write a ton more of them, but lazy.

Oh, I guess I should talk about coding, since that's a common theme on the DSiCommunity. So, I've been here since the original DSiHub, and my first coding that I "learned" was javascript on DSiExtensions (I doubt many of y'all know/remember it). Then, I made some small sites like DSiSocialness (pretty abysmal) and some bigger ones (like Compass and Confuzzle). I've also helped around on the Community a lot. For example, I'm also a mod on @.:A-MAN:.'s site, Klub and also helped with 3DSHub (DSiHub reborn for the 58234985723993652 time). So yeah, I know a decent bit of code

Anyways, I think that's about it. If there's anything else you wanna know about me, I always respond to PMs.


Oh, and try the theme made by @AquaBeat and I, Teal and Pink, if you like the way this profile looks

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2 days ago
With recent discoveries like, I'm optimistic that issues regarding climate change will be solved. We'll lose a lot in the process, it'll be a covid x1000 or something, but we'll find our way out of the issues.

The biodiversity loss is the most concerning to me because there's no replacement for that and species collapses and extinctions cut off so much benefit to everything else.

But the plastics, CO2, and water scarcities are things being worked on. That said, it really does require everyone. Limiting the problem is the first step. It's definitely something I worry about every day.
2 days ago
Whenever services go down or collapse like how the Crowdstrike/Windows bug on Friday, I just play in my head how many times by boss gets on my case for minor issues, like the "+ button animation not working" like the button is working and does the job, but the animation didn't change to a minus.

I'm in a team of 3. Like I know stuff like that should get tested but I also didn't brick 8.5M computers so like...
2 days ago
Europe sucks.

Everyone's like "oh it's so easy you just hop between countries" but they leave out that you need 6 apps, 3 languages, Swiss Francs, Euros, and whatever other currency

Like it was pretty nice and completely fine, but I was trying to go from Zurich, Switzerland to Luxembourg. My train connection through Germany got canceled so they rerouted me through much further stations in Germany. But then that took long so the connections were done for the night so I had to just stay overnight at the station in some random town in Germany without an idea of how to actually buy a ticket for my destination.

The busses in Luxembourg are completely free, but it said for the same bus international you have to pay. Which is fine, but I couldn't figure out how. So I waited for the bus and the bus driver told me I need to pay in Euros but I don't have Euros. Why doesn't everything take card by now?

Someone I know lives in Germany and I was like "wtf should I be doing" and she was like "Oh just use DB Navigator app or Moovit" and I was like "why are their 6 different apps?" Like I know why - because they're different countries, but I just thought they worked better together than they do.

Worked great when things were scheduled and on time, but once one train got canceled, my whole route fell apart. Do not recommend. I should have just skipped going to Zurich and just flown straight into Luxembourg.
5 days ago
I did not in fact head to Europe yesterday.

Saw that the flight kept getting delayed by 30 min increments so I didn't bother to go through security or anything, then the first flight of my trip changed from delayed to canceled.

It got rebooked to Monday. Kinda changes my schedule but I may leave it as it is now. I'll need to train to Luxembourg from Zurich though and I guess I don't know if I can do that overnight or what.
7 days ago
heading to Europe today. Debating on if I should bother taking my personal laptop. I think no since work gave me a slim "travel laptop"
1 week ago
1 week ago
I hate when the AI tools are so close to the right thing but I don't have the skills to get it to what I want.

I wanted a flat clipart image of Copenhagen. It gave me one that was pretty good, but I realized that the tower it put in the skyline wasn't one I had seen in images of Copenhagen skyline. Used Google Lens on it and it said that that tower is from Berlin, which I found to be true.

Copenhagen has like 8 distinctive towers that would be great to put there but I can't get Bing Copilot to make it. If I add both images, it makes completely new images. It won't combine the clipart styles (one is more minimalistic, one is more detailed). If I try referencing by name it just makes up a tower it "thinks" that should look like, not the actual tower.

I ended up just editing out the tower in Paint.NET but it's so close to a good image.
2 weeks ago
I feel like AI should be able to port new versions of Android to super old devices
2 weeks ago
Annual performance eval went pretty good
3 weeks ago
Happy monday
Feels like a good week
3 weeks ago
Goal for this month.

Get organized.
3 weeks ago
Can't believe i'm still sick
4 weeks ago
Yay Ubuntu upgrader doesn't reinstall snap anymore
4 weeks ago
Thought I was feeling better but then was in this meeting just now and started feeling really bad - like about to pass out bad. Fortunately I just hurried out of the meeting and laid down on a bench outside and started feeling much better, but I probably should have just stayed home today...
1 month ago
Was sick on my trip. Still a bit sick